Next Generations: Trainee Spotlights event

Call For Submissions

The BCI Society PostDoc and Student Committee (PSC) is pleased to announce the third edition of the Trainee Spotlights, a Next Generations Series event dedicated to all trainees, from undergraduate students to postdocs!

Opportunities for trainees to present their preliminary work and get advice and feedback from experienced researchers are scarce, especially during this pandemic period. This is particularly true for students from small research groups, sometimes isolated within their own institutions.

The event will spotlight 3 trainees with each presenter given 10 minutes to present his/her work and 5 minutes to answer attendee questions. The last 15 minutes will be dedicated to a panel discussion.  The panel discussion will be lead by a guest expert who will provide constructive feedback on the presentations.  Mariska J van Steensel will be the guest expert for the November session.  

The third edition of the Trainee Spotlights will take place on November 17, 2022 Time TBD.

We invite all trainees to submit to present at the event.

Who is eligible?

Presenters must be BCI Society members and be registered in a master’s, PhD program or a postdoc program at the time of the submission. Priority will be given to undergraduate and PhD students in the first or second year of their program.

How to Submit

Submissions are now closed


Have Questions?

Please contact the PSC by emailing: