Other Events

INCF Neuroinformatics Assembly 2024: Brain Meets AI

Austin, Texas, USA

23-25 September, 2024, with courses 26-27 September

Organizer: INCF
Contact: Heather Topple
Website: neuroinformatics.incf.org

Past Events

IEEE MetroXRAINE International Conference

October 25-27, 2023

The IEEE MetroXRAINE International Conference is a first of a kind, with focus on research and applications that involve extended reality, artificial intelligence, and neural engineering. In that, BCI plays an important role.
This international event is mainly aimed at creating a synergy between experts in these three fields and it aims to be a unique opportunity for discussion among scientists, technologists, and companies in order to increase the visibility and the scientific impact for the participants. Notably for BCI, it appears as a big opportunity for applications in a multidisciplinary context.

The IEEE MetroXRAINE Conference 2023 will be held in Milan at the Italian National Research Council (CNR), with the patronage of Politecnico di Milano (Italy), Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (Italy), Università del Salento (Italy), Ulster University (Northern Ireland, UK), and the Italian national group of electrical and electronic measurements. Academic researchers and invited external speakers will contribute to the discussions organized in several sessions. Moreover, demo sessions will be a unique opportunity to share ideas and materials about practical activities, student contests will give young researchers the occasion to compare and discuss their work.
Additional Information here: metroxraine.org


NCAN Summer Course
July 10-14, 2023

The National Center for Adaptive Neurotechnologies (NCAN) will be holding a course entitled “Translating Adaptive Neurotechnologies: Methodologies for Real-Time Interactions with the Nervous System” on July 10-14, 2023 at the Stratton VA Medical Center in Albany, NY.

The link to the course description on our website is: www.neurotechcenter.org/ncan-summer-course-2023



May 9-10, 2023

The CORTICO days is an annual event organized by the French Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) society,
a non-profit organization, that aims at bringing together researchers from different backgrounds and
experience levels who work in the domain of BCI and Neurofeedback (NFB). The members of the board
wanted to celebrate the fifth birthday of the society at the same place where it has been launched: at Paris
Brain Institute.


London ImpaCT Network - Afternoon Meeting


Mon, 7 November 202215:00 – 17:00 GMT

The London ImpaCT Network is a network of neuroscientists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, neuroengineers and neuroethicists dedicated to drive the clinical translation of neurotechnology.

We are delighted to invite you to our inaugural Afternoon Meeting on 7th November in the 33 Queen Square Lecture Theatre.

There will be two talks and time to discuss ideas and meet colleagues with a passion for neurotechnology.

1500 Welcome: Andreas Schaefer, Professor of Neuroscience, The Francis Crick Institute / University College London

1510 Talk 1: Ludvic Zrinzo, Professor of Functional Neurosurgery, University College London

1540 Coffee

1600 Talk 2: Anne Vanhoestenberghe, Professor of Active Implantable Medical Devices , Kings College London

1630 Discussion

1700 Close


IEEE 2022 International conference – Metrology for Extended Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Engineering (#MetroXRAINE2022)

Rome, October 26 – 28, 2022


The call for abstracts has been extended to the 1st of April.

In developing Passive BCI, the measurand definition is a fundamental issue, because the quantity (e.g., emotion, attention, engagement, stress) is not univocally identified and many relevant theories are incompatible with the adoption of an interval scale (ordered and proportionated). Moreover, experimental reproducibility, as well as cross-subject and within-subject reproducibility are open challenges. In such a context, this special session will host contributions on stimuli standardization procedures aimed to improve experimental reproducibility, psychometry-based methods for sample selection during experimental campaigns, innovative data processing strategies such as domain adaptation and domain generalization, data fusion approaches. Finally, this session aims to discuss the compatibility between the adopted theory for measurand modelling and implemented experimental procedures.


The list of topics includes (but it is not limited to) the following:

  • Instrumental solutions and measurement principles for enhancing the accuracy and robustness of BCI systems;
  • EEG-based Psychophysical condition monitoring
  • Wearable sensors
  • Accuracy and latency versus wearability
  • Machine learning-based classification
  • Experimental reproducibility enhancement
  • Applications and case-studies
2022 IEEE SMC Brain-Machine Interface Systems Workshop

The Workshop will take place in Prague, Czech Republic from October 9-12 and is being planned as a full in-person event. The Workshop will feature a number of invited talks, presented papers, a BR41N.IO BCI hackathon, the ceremony of the International BCI Award, and top-ranked papers will be invited to submit an expanded version of their work to a Special Issue of the IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. Accepted and presented papers will appear in the conference proceedings as well as on IEEExplore.

April 15, 2022 Full paper submissions due
May 27, 2022 Notification of full paper acceptance
July 2, 2022 Final manuscript due

Conference website
Call for Papers PDF
Submit Papers here

2022 NeuroAbilities Virtual Symposium

Unlocking the BCI and Neurotech Market for Persons with Disabilities

As neurotechnologies (NT), including Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), evolve rapidly, what are their pathways to marketable solutions for Persons with Disabilities? What is their market potential? How can their design and applications best serve Persons with Disabilities? How can barriers to adoption be lifted and neuroethics challenges resolved?

Join for a three-part series NeuroAbilities Virtual Symposium discussion with experts from different stakeholder groups, including U.S. Food and Drug Administration, industry leaders, end users, advocates, and funders.

Event dates and timing: March 30, March 31, April 1, 2022
Each day from 11:00 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. ET (US & Canada)

Day 1: The Neurotech Opportunity for Persons with Disabilities

Day 2: Regulatory Frameworks & Alternative Paths for Direct-to-Consumer Technologies

Day 3: Neuroethics & Disability Rights

Featured Speakers include:

  • Timothy Brown, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Bioethics & Humanities, University of Washington, School of Medicine
  • Jennifer Collinger, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Pittsburgh Heather Dean, Ph.D., Assistant Director, Acute Injury Devices Team, CDRH, U.S. Food & Drug Administration
  • Sandy Hanebrink, OTR/L, CLP, FAOTA, Executive Director, Touch the Future Inc.; promoter of the Walk2Walk Campaign
  • Amy Kruse, General Manager, Prime Movers Lab
  • Michael McKinley, Ph.D., Co-founder and VP, SuitX
  • Khara Ramos, Ph.D., Vice President, Dana Foundation, former NIH Neuroethics Director
  • Julia Slocomb, Ph.D., Lead Reviewer, CDRH, U.S. Food & Drug Administration
  • Roger O. Smith, Ph.D., Professor, Occupational Sciences & Technology, College of Health Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Director of the Rehabilitation Research Design & Disability (R2D2) Center, and more!

Register Now to Access All Three Days!

Note: The symposium will be held via Zoom Conferencing. Sign language and live captioning will be provided.

About NeuroAbilities: NeuroAbilities is G3ict’s dedicated program to explore the current state of assistive solutions based on advanced Neurotechnologies, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabling persons with disabilities and older persons to better interact with their environment. Read more at the NeuroAbilities Program page and visit the NeuroAbilities website for more information.

IEEE Brain: Future Directions in Consumer Neurotechnology

November 30- December 1

This workshop is designed to bring together the various groups that are working towards bringing neurotechnology to a much broader consumer audience. Participants will include top scientists developing the next generation of brain imaging and stimulation devices, leading startups translating this research directly to consumers, VCs investing in these companies, and technology companies addressing neurotechnology at scale. This forum will give speakers a chance to showcase their work to this broad audience and catalyze collaborations between presenters, attendees, and experts from around the world.

IEEE Brain is bringing this exciting virtual event to you FREE.

Register now for your complimentary pass.

2021 Society for Neuroscience Conference Satellite Event

Sponsored by W.I.N.E.–Women In Neural Engineering Forum on Sexual Harassment, Coercion, & Assaults in the Neuroscience (or any science) Workplace

November 11th, 2021: 5:30-6:30pm (CST or  GMT-6)

Sexual harassment, coercion and assaults are common within the academic and clinical workplace but quite often go unreported (see Society for Neuroscience Conference abstract # 6539/ Poster # J013.01 “What women and minorities are afraid to speak up about”). Women In Neural Engineering (WINE) has organized this forum with experts in the field of sexual misconduct in the workplace to raise awareness of this pervasive problem and discuss steps that individuals and institutions can take to improve their work environment.

Anyone is welcome to join this zoom discussion with experts:

* Dr. Anna Kirkland, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies and Director of the Institute for Research on Women and Gender at the University of Michigan. Dr. Kirkland’s Website
* Dr. Vicki J. Magley, Professor of Psychological Sciences at the University of Connecticut studying workplace sexual harassment and incivility interventions. Dr. Magley’s Website
* Dr. Louise Stone, General Practitioner and Associate Professor at the Australian National University Medical School researching sexual assault and harassment of doctors, by doctors. Dr. Stone’s Website
* Mx. Elizabeth Waldron, Co-editor of an international research anthology on sexual harm in the medical profession. Of Doctors, by Doctors website

You do not need to attend the Society for Neuroscience Conference to participate in this forum.
Join the zoom discussion here:
Meeting ID: 984 5883 8984, Passcode: 306891


3rd Brain-Computer Interface Un-Conference

(BCI-UC) on January 27th, 2022, from 03:00 pm to 09:00 pm (CET)

The BCI-UC is an online un-conference that provides rapid dissemination of novel research results in the BCI community. Participants can submit abstracts to apply for 20 minutes presentation slots. Abstracts are not reviewed by a program committee. Rather, all registered participants can vote on which of the submitted abstracts they would like to see presented at the un-conference. Because the BCI-UC does not publish conference proceedings, submitted abstracts can report novel as well as already published work.

Registration and attendance are free of charge.

Registration and abstract submission open on November 1st, 2021

Abstract submissions are text-only. The length and format of the submissions are up to the authors – use whatever format you consider best for attracting up-votes!

Submission closes on December 3rd, 2021 at 11:59 pm.

Voting on submitted abstracts begins on December 6th, 2021, and closes on December 12th, 2021 at 11:59 pm.

All presentations will be streamed via Crowdcast and can be accessed free of charge.


International BCI Awards 2021

Submission deadline: Wednesday, September 1st

The International BCI Award, endowed with 6,000 USD, is one of the top accolades in BCI research. The BCI Award was created to recognize outstanding and innovative research in the field of Brain-Computer Interfaces.  12 projects are nominated before the winner is announced at the BCI Award Ceremony

For more information, see https://www.bci-award.com/Home 

Special Issue "Visual Evoked Brain Computer Interface Studies”

Open to submissions from 1 July 2021. To submit a paper to this Special Issue, please go to https://www.editorialmanager.com/jneumeth/default.aspx and select “VSI: Visual Evoked BCI” as the article type.

Deadline for Submissions: 31 May 2022.

2021 NCAN Summer Course


We are now accepting applications for our virtual Focus Course on the “Scientific and Engineering Principles of Adaptive Neurotechnologies.”


BCI-CAN Symposium 2021: Hope on the Horizon

Location: Virtual – Airmeet platform

Organizing Entity: University of Calgary on behalf of the BCI-CAN Network

Contact Information:


2nd Brain-Computer Interface Un-Conference (2nd BCI-UC)

2nd BCI Un-Conference (BCI-UC) on February 10 and 11, 2021, from 03:00 pm to 08:00 pm (CET)!


The BCI-UC is an online un-conference that provides rapid dissemination of novel research results in the BCI community. The BCI-UC does not publish conference proceedings. As such, submitted abstracts can report novel as well as already published work. The BCI-UC does not have a program committee that reviews submitted abstracts. Instead, all registered participants can vote which of the submitted abstracts they would like to see presented at the un-conference. Registration and attendance are free-of-charge. The second BCI-UC will feature keynotes by Marco Congedo [3] on Riemannian transfer learning and by Camille Jeunet on user-centered BCI design [4]. All presentations of the first BCI-UC, which >300 participants attended, can be re-watched at [2].

Registration and abstract submission are open as of today [1]. Voting on submitted abstracts begins on January 13th. Abstract submission remains open until January 25th, 11:59 pm (CET). The voting phase ends on January 27th, 11:59 pm (CET). We will invite the authors of the top-voted abstracts to present their work at the un-conference.

For the 2nd BCI-UC, we solicit two types of submissions:

* _Presentations_ are applications for 20 minutes slots by a single

* _Mini-symposia_ are applications for 60 minutes slots by multiple
presenters on a coherent topic, possibly including a panel discussion.

Submissions are text-only. The length and format of the submissions are
up to the authors — use whatever format you consider best for
attracting up-votes! Voting procedures will not distinguish between the
two submission types, i.e., the community decides on the fraction of
presentations vs. mini-symposia.

Join us in supporting this novel community-driven dissemination of research results!

The BCI-UC committee:
Moritz Grosse-Wentrup
Anja Meunier
Philipp Raggam
Jiachen Xu

1. https://bciunconference.univie.ac.at/register-vote/
2. https://bciunconference.univie.ac.at/1st-bci-uc/
3. https://sites.google.com/site/marcocongedo
4. https://camillejeunet.wordpress.com/

NeuroAbilities Webinar Series

Implantable Brain-Computer Interfaces in Late-Stage ALS: Real-World Implications


Join us for a discussion on the real and potential impact of implantable BCIs on the preservation of quality of life in late-stage ALS, and the ethical, medical and financial implications of future clinical implementation of implantable BCIs, with the goal to collect material for a white paper about this theme.

In the field of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs), researchers are developing implantable devices that allow people to use their brain signals to control computers and communication software. With the BCI field maturing and the first demonstrations of successful home use of BCIs for communication appearing, BCIs are considered to be promising tools to retain or improve the communication capabilities of people with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), especially of those in later stages of the disease, who have lost (nearly) all muscle control and are therefore unable to reliably control the standard assistive devices, such as eye gaze devices.

Moderator: Jonathan R. Wolpaw, MD, Director, National Center for Adaptive Neurotechnologies (NCAN)


Mariska Vansteensel, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, University Medical Center Utrecht (The Netherlands)

Eran Klein, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, Oregon Health and Science University and Affiliate Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy and Center for Neurotechnology, University of Washington (USA)

Ghislaine van Thiel, PhD, Associate Professor of Medical Ethics, University Medical Center Utrecht (The Netherlands)

Michael Gaytant, MD, PhD, Center of Home Mechanical Ventilation, University Medical Center Utrecht (The Netherlands)

Zachary Simmons, MD, Professor of Neurology and Professor of Humanities, Pennsylvania State University and director of the ALS Clinic and Research Center (USA)

Event Conductor: Christopher M. Lee, PhD, Managing Director, International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP), Chief Learning Officer, G3ict


Fifth BCI Conference in Shanghai

We are happy to announce the Fifth BCI Conference in Shanghai, China on 19-20 December 2020. The topic is “BCI for rehabilitation”.

Please see the following link for more information.

The conference and link are in Chinese. At least one planned speaker will speak in English.

NeurotechGaming 2020 conference: Connecting your brain to video games"


What if you could connect your brain and body to a video game?

Keyboard, mouse, game pad – these are the control devices we’ve used for decades to play games. But as useful as they are, they still have many limitations. A video game doesn’t know if you are interested or bored with it, if you are learning or not, if we you are distracted or focused and you still need to remember complex key combinations.

To improve the gaming experience, companies shift their development towards Brain-Computer Interfaces. This technology allows to approach the next questions:

  • What if games could adapt its environment based on your thoughts and emotions?
  • What if you could communicate with your teammates using your brain and thoughts alone and act as one organism?
  • What if you could not only see and hear the gaming environment but also experience the tactile feelings like bullets shots or touching (think Ready Player One)
  • We all had experience with chat-bots that often feel very artificial. What if NPCs could understand how you feel and base their interactions on it, eventually becoming more real and human-like?
  • What if your enemies could learn from you and dynamically change their behavior to keep the gaming experience much more engaging?
  • And finally, what if you couldn’t tell the difference between a reality and a game?
International Neuroethics Socety (INS) essay contest 2020

The International Neuroethics Society (INS) and the International Youth Neuroscience Association (IYNA) are pleased to announce a call for submissions for the Neuroethics Essay Contest in 2020. Now in its seventh year, the contest aims to promote interest in neuroethics among students and trainees around the world.


The 9th International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface (BCI2021)

Monday, Feb. 22nd – Wednesday, Feb. 24th 2021
High1 Resort, Gangwon province, Korea

In order to foster the exchanges of innovative and challenging ideas, the 9th International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface aims to encourage overview, in-depth talks and discussions on the latest research at all levels of BCI research and it includes invasive recording, semi-invasive ECoG, non-invasive EEG, non-invasive NIRS, and fMRI measurement and potential combinations of the different methods furthermore advances in data analysis. ‘2020 International BCI Competition’ for this year especially will be offered, and an informal open discussion will be highly encouraged.

Please check out BCI2021! and for more information, please visit the website

BCI & Neurotechnology Spring School

5 Days of online talks and keynotes for you & your students

Due to the global #stayhome regulations, we have put together a Virtual BCI & Neurotechnology Spring School for you and your students to continue learning and stay busy.

Regular Price: 250 € free of charge

On April 20-24, 2020, you can listen to talks and keynotes from international experts. Everybody who studies biomedical engineering, signals processing or neuroscience with a focus on brain-computer interface and neurotechnologies can join. 

2020 Workshop on Brain-Machine Interface Systems

2020 Workshop on Brain-Machine Interface Systems
The IEEE SMC 10th Workshop on Brain-Machine Interface (BMI) Systems will be held on October 11-14, 2020 in Toronto, Canada as part of SMC 2020, the flagship annual conference of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society. The goal of the Workshop is to provide a forum for researchers to present research results, facilitate the interaction and intellectual exchange between researchers, developers and consumers of BMI technology. We invite contributions reporting the latest advances, innovations and applications in BMIs.