11th International BCI Meeting

Building Momentum: Fostering Collaboration in BCI

June 2 – 5, 2025

Banff, Canada

Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity

The BCI Meeting brings together scientists, engineers, and clinicians involved in BCI research and clinical use, to review the present state of the field, address key issues critical to further progress, and promote the education and participation of young researchers. This meeting should, like its predecessors, contribute greatly to BCI research and development.

BCI Society members in good standing are invited to submit workshop proposals, abstracts for oral and poster presentations, and applications for the BCI Global Plenary Session for the 2025 BCI Meeting, taking place June 2-5, at the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity.

Satellite Events


March 7, 2025

Industry Insight Sessions

Sponsored breakfast & lunch symposium opportunities

Registration Open


Early-Bird Deadline:
April 2, 2025

Program at a glance now available

See what we have planned for the 2025 Meeting

Housing open

Book your accommodation at the Banff Centre

Key Dates




Now Open – Register Here




Last day to register at early-bird conference rate




Last day to register at regular conference rate




Last day to register at final conference rate

*May be subject to change




Call for Trainee Travel Award application opens




Last day for Trainee Travel Awards application




Notification Trainee Travel Awards

*May be subject to change




Accommodation Open – Book Now




Last day to reserve accommodation within guaranteed block period

*May be subject to change




Call for Satellite Event Applications – Learn more



Satellite Event Application Deadline




Call for workshop proposals open 




Last day to submit workshop proposals 




Workshop acceptance notification

*May be subject to change




Call for abstracts (poster/oral presentation) opens – Submit here!




Now closed




Notification abstracts (posters/oral presentation) acceptance

*May be subject to change

Meeting Executive Team

Conference Chair: Mariska Vansteensel, University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands
Conference Co-Chair: Marc Slutzky, Northwestern University, USA
Scientific Program Committee Chair: Reinhold Scherer, University of Essex, United Kingdom
Scientific Program Committee Co-Chair: Eli Kinney-Lang, University of Calgary, Canada
Young Talent Committee Chair: Robert Gaunt, University of Pittsburgh, USA

BCI Society Code of Conduct

 The BCI Society Code of Conduct listed below reflects our Society’s values and our expectations for Society members and guests. This Code of Conduct is in effect while at the International BCI Meetings and any social event linked to the BCI Society.

Conduct should be free of biases regarding race, cultural background, religion (or lack thereof), country of origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, physical appearance, or other individual characteristics or expression. No harassment will be tolerated.

Discussions should be respectful, civil, professional, and constructive reflecting tolerance for disagreements and recognition of opportunities to learn from each other.

BCI Society has zero tolerance for sexual harassment including: any verbal or physical behavior that reflects unwelcome sexual advances, or behaving in any way that another individual feels impinges on their boundaries.

If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please report it to us immediately. We value your attendance, and will make every effort to ensure that you feel safe and welcome for the full duration of the Meeting. 

You can make a report by directly emailing Mariska Vansteensel, President and Marc Slutzky, Vice-President codeofconduct@bcisociety.org.

BCI Society Media Policy and Credentials

All media representatives must apply for accreditation to attend Society sponsored events. Requests should be submitted per the following guidelines outlined below (also available in PDF here)

I. Purpose

The BCI Society’s policy standardizes the process for media accreditation. All media representatives must apply for accreditation to attend Society sponsored events. Requests should be submitted per the following guidelines outlined below.

Note: To ensure effective communication and dissemination of information while respecting the privacy and intellectual property rights of participants, the BCI Meeting has established the following media policy:

II. General Media Policy

The BCI Society is an independent society of individuals who banded together and who share a common philosophy and common goals; creating a better understanding of those who suffer from the most severe disabilities and work together to research and develop devices that allows those who are locked in to live a happy, creative, and fulfilling lives. Additionally, this society strives to guide the technological development of BCIs for broader use amongst general populations of users in ethical and responsible ways. Without outside funding, these collaborative meetings would be difficult to plan and facilitate.  It is through grants and other funding that these meetings are made possible.  We would like to thank the universities, businesses, and governmental agencies worldwide, who encourage their staff to continue this important work as well as all of the members of the society who devote their time and expertise to this critical discipline.

As such, the BCI Society is committed to making access to its processes as open as possible. Therefore, it is the policy of the society to provide accreditation and grant informational access to members of the media and press within the scope of the society’s available resources.

III. Media Representative Guidelines

  • Credentialed media must introduce themselves to event attendees as a member of the press before requesting an interview, as well as prior to photographing, filming, or engaging in recording of any kind.
  • All requests by event attendees to not record and/or publish data must be honored.
  • Credentialed media who violates these policies will have their privileges revoked.

IV. Credentials

Individuals must apply for media accreditation. The applicant must be employed or performing work on behalf of such newsgathering and distribution organizations. To be given BCI Society media credentials, individuals from these organizations must be full or part-time professional media (i.e. receive external payment for researching and reporting news/commentary/analysis/informational content). Media must report for the outlet they are credentialed under. Individuals not employed by such organizations will be considered freelancers or students and should reach out to the email listed to inquire as to more specific accreditation requirements.

Applications are to be submitted to the email listed below.

BCI Media Contact:


Applications should include:

  • Verification documents
  • Full name as it appears on legal identification documents
  • Date of birth
  • Scanned copies of government issued identification (ex: driver’s license, visa, and/or passport)

V. Exceptions and Additional Considerations

  • Accreditation will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
  • The BCI Society reserves the right to review applications and allow for flexibility to consider the nature of each unique request.
  • The BCI Society reserves the right to approve or deny media accreditation requests based on factors such as relevance, space availability, and adherence to the media policy.

VI. Access

  • Accredited media representatives will be granted access to designated areas and events of the BCI Meeting.
  • Media representatives must wear their provided identification badges at all times during the event.
  • Additional information will be provided once approval requirements are met.

VI. Photography and Recording Policy

The BCI Society is committed to honoring the rights of copyright owners and to respectful communication and dissemination of research and data.  Attendees of BCI sponsored events and meetings or events are expected to adhere to this policy.

  • Presenters and exhibitors are able to exercise the right to voice whether or not they would like their work or presentation to be photographed or recorded.
  • Media professionals need permission and are required to observe the icons

VII. Privacy and Confidentiality

  • Media representatives must respect the privacy and confidentiality of participants.
  • Personal information shared during the BCI Meeting, including unpublished research findings, should not be disclosed, or published without explicit permission.
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion considerations will be expected of media representatives. A ZERO tolerance policy will be enforced if complaints are received regarding such incidents. Consequences will be taken up with respective BCI Society committees and, if necessary, legal representation of the BCI Society.

VIII. Intellectual Property

  • Media representatives must respect the intellectual property rights of participants and seek permission before using or reproducing any copyrighted material.
  • Proper attribution should be provided when using quotes, images, or any other form of intellectual property.

XIV. Additional Notes Regarding Violations and Sanctions

  • Violation of the media policy may result in the revocation of media accreditation and removal from the BCI Meeting premises and/or other actions.
  • The BCI Society reserves the right to take legal action for any unauthorized use, publication, or dissemination of confidential or copyrighted material.
  • This media policy is subject to the BCI Society’s discretion and may be updated or modified as deemed necessary. Media representatives are expected to review and comply with the policy to ensure a smooth and respectful media presence during the BCI Meeting.
  • The BCI Society will not be held liable or legally responsible for claims regarding sponsored events. Media representatives are advised to carry their own insurance.

Thank you to our sponsors