Sponsorship & Exhibition

The 11th International BCI Meeting offers a variety of opportunities available for sponsors and exhibitors.

The BCI Meeting provides an excellent opportunity for companies to gain exposure, build relationships and reach the target market of influential researchers both in the industry and in private universities and research institutions.

  • Bolster your brand position and visibility. The BCI Society is back with another in-person meeting, this time in beautiful Banff, Alberta, Canada. An excellent opportunity to showcase brand visibility and exposure.
  • Connect and strengthen your relationships with leading and emerging researchers and academics. The 400+ attendees include international researchers, clinicians, engineers, most of whom make or influence purchasing decisions at their facilities and are actively seeking new information, products, and techniques.
  • Gather new knowledge, foster collaborations and build new partnerships with the BCI community

We would like to thank those of you who have partnered with the BCI Meetings in the past and look forward to continuing our relationship.  We also welcome new organizations and are excited about creating a collaborative partnership with you.

Download Prospectus

Download the full Sponsor & Exhibitor package as a PDF

A la carte Sponsorship Opportunities

We are offering a novel à la carte approach to allow you to reach specific audiences through more targeted outreach.

Opportunities are divided in 6 main categories:

  • Program opportunities such as research session sponsorship, keynote session sponsorship, poster session sponsorship, or Master Class sponsorship;
  • Award Session opportunities including the Early Career Award Lecture, and Best Poster Award;
  • Social event opportunities such as the Bonfire Parties, Al-Fresco dinner and award ceremony, and welcome reception;
  • Support a student or attendee with financial hardships;
  • Delegate communication opportunities such as e-blast feature;
  • Advertising opportunities on digital materials (ad in the digital program).

Please note that many are exclusive sponsorship or limited opportunities so you do not want to delay to make your selection. 

Full details on how to get involved can be found in theSponsor and Exhibitor Package. Please contact the BCI Secretariat for more information about the 11th International BCI  Meeting and the opportunities available to you.

Please note this form confirms your sponsorship ONLY. All sponsor representatives are required to register for the conference as delegates via the registration once open.

Exhibitor Booths

As a BCI exhibitor, your exhibitor booth will be exposed to over 400 of our delegates on-site in Banff, Alberta, Canada. Gain exposure by increasing your company’s visibility and interact with the delegates at the 2025 meeting.

Table Top – $1,800 (USD + Tax)

All table top displays include:

  • One 6ft long skirted table with two chairs
  • Acknowledgement in the Meeting program 
  • Acknowledgement and exhibitor profile in the virtual congress mobile app
  • Acknowledgment on on-site Expo signage

*Does not include registration fees for exhibit representatives. Electrical outlet to be purchased separately.

Double Table Top - $3,600 (USD + Tax)

All double table top displays include:

  • Two 6ft long skirted tables with two chairs
  • Acknowledgement in the Meeting program 
  • Acknowledgement and exhibitor profile in the virtual congress mobile app
  • Acknowledgment on on-site Expo signage

*Does not include registrations fees for exhibit representatives. Electrical outlet to be purchased separately.

To book your exhibitor booth, please register via our online platform. You will be asked for the following information:

  • Company and contact information
  • Expo booth representative information
  • Company description
  • Payment information

Please note that this form confirms your table and sponsorship ONLY. All sponsor and exhibitors are required to register for the conference via the registration form once open.

Please contact the BCI Secretariat for more information about the Meeting and the opportunities available to you.

We are grateful for the support of our institutional funders

Thank you to our sponsors