Event Partnership and Not-For-Profit Partnership

Endorsement Guidelines for Single Event

These guidelines apply to single event only.  For longer term partnership, please the section below (organization partnership).  Events may include conferences, workshops, BCI hackathons, symposia, summer/winter schools, and other major activities focused on BCIs. This section only provides general guidelines, and the BCI Society reserves the right to modify guidelines on a case-by-case basis. The BCI Society offers three levels of endorsement:



Approval Process: Two Board members must approve posting.
BCI Society Responsibilities: Post event on website under “Other activities” tab.



Approval Process: Board must approve affiliation with event.
BCI Society Responsibilities: Post event on website under “Affiliated events” tab. May also mention it in newsletter, flyer, poster, other website(s), etc.



Approval Process: Board must approve partnering with event.
BCI Society Responsibilities: Post event on website under its own section. Must also mention it in at least one newsletter, flyer, poster, other website(s), etc. Must co-organize the event with the external organization. 

All endorsements:

  1. All proposed endorsements will be reviewed by the BCI Society.
  2. The aims of the organization must align with those of the BCI Society.
  3. The proposer must agree to the following paragraph:
    The organizing committee must include established BCI practitioners and/or researchers. Additionally, BCI must be a significant focus of the proposed organization or event. The organizing entity must have already approved the event and must be capable of hosting the event. All events and organizers must be committed to ethical aspects including respect for participant confidentiality, publication and invention rights, ethical media interaction, non-discrimination, and appropriate overall goals of both the event and organizers.
  4. The proposed posting for the BCI Society website must include the event name, location, date(s), organizing entity, responsible person, contact information, and at least one external link with more details. The BCI Society may edit or remove any posting at its discretion.
  5. The organizing entity must be a non-profit organization.
  6. Abstracts must be reviewed through a peer-review process.
  7. The proposer must promptly inform the BCI Society of major changes such as a cancellation or postponement.
  8. The BCI Society can at any moment withdraw from the agreement to endorse, if it decides the event no longer meets the criteria
  9. Additional requirements are presented below for the three endorsement levels.

Posting Only:

  1. The proposed posting may include up to one page of supporting text with up to two logos or graphics.


  1. The proposed posting may have up to two pages of text and graphics.
  2. The organizer must provide a discount to BCI Society members at the event.
  3. The organizer must mention that this activity is affiliated with the BCI Society on their event website and/or other publicly available event materials. The organizer may use the BCI Society name and logo for this purpose only.


  1. The BCI Society will create a section on its web page dedicated to the event.
  2. The BCI Society and/or external organization may be involved in different financial aspects of the event, which shall be detailed prior to approval.
  3. The organizer must mention that this activity is partnered with the BCI Society on their event website and/or other publicly available event materials. The organizer may use the BCI Society name and logo for this purpose only.
  4. The organizer must provide a discount to BCI Society members at the event.
  5. The event must be co-organized with the BCI Society.

Submit Request

Please click below to contact the BCI Society secretariat for any request.

Not-for-Profit Partnership

Independent non-profit organizations may wish to affiliate with the BCI Society for benefits related to the ongoing activities, events, and membership of the BCI Society. The BCI Society wishes to support non-profit organizations whose mission aligns with the mission of the BCI Society, particularly as it relates to supporting the interests of BCI Society members and in promoting technical, scientific, and clinical activities related to BCIs. The aim of this policy is to establish the process for attaining and maintaining status as a Non-Profit Partner (NPP) of the BCI Society.

Contact the BCI Society secretariat for any queries.

  1. BCI Society NPP status is contingent on alignment of the NPP with the BCI Society mission, priorities and code of conduct (https://bcisociety.org/bci-meeting/) and can be granted or withdrawn by a simple majority vote of the Executive Board of the BCI Society.
  2. If an NPP has an individual membership category, membership must be open to all BCI Society members in good standing.
  3. The BCI Society will list NPPs on a designated page within its website. That listing can include a short description and a link to the NPP’s own website and/or social media handles.
  4. The BCI Society may request an opportunity to list our website, logo, description and related marketing information at an appropriate location on the NPPs website, if available.
  5. The BCI Society Executive Board will identify a board member or representative to interface with the NPP. NPP’s are encouraged to establish regular communication with this individual to convey their interests in Executive Board meetings, discussions, and deliberations. NPP’s are responsible for maintaining communication with this representative to make sure their concerns are heard and will receive summaries of issues related to the NPPs interests. The designated representative will also have a mandate to negotiate proposed changes to this policy in case of a conflict between the partner policies of the BCI Society and the NPP. Any changes will be subject to Executive Board approval.
  6. Communications
    1. Several communication channels will be used by the BCI Society to advertise NPP activities and events:
      1. The BCI Society will publicize the NPP and their activities in the published meeting materials for the BCI Society Meeting. The NPP will be provided with parameters (size, etc.) of the advertisement, and the NPP is responsible for preparing the advertisement material.
      2. The BCI Society will promote NPP activities and events through BCI Society social media accounts, including Twitter and LinkedIn. This promotion will occur only through retweeting, quoting, and ‘liking’ NPP social media posts. Requests for promotion should be limited to no more than approximately 6 posts per year per social media platform.
      3. NPP’s may provide one complimentary advertisement or communication per year that will be distributed directly to the membership of the BCI Society though a regularly scheduled email. The BCI Society reserves the right to label any advertisement as such, with attribution to the advertiser.
    2. The BCI Society reserves the right to decline any advertisement or communication that is not consistent with the BCI Society mission. If the BCI Society declines, a written explanation will be delivered to the NPP.
    3. NPP’s must agree to provide a similar level of promotion and communication about the BCI Society to its members. This includes advertisements in NPP-organized conference materials (a), promotions on social media (b), and email advertisements (c) encouraging membership in the BCI Society and advertising major events such as national or international conferences. The text of these communications will be written by the BCI Society but must conform to the rules of and be consistent with the mission of the NPP.
    4. Direct access to the membership lists of the BCI Society will not be provided to the NPP, nor will the BCI Society request membership lists from the NPP.
    5. The NPP must request all promotional cross-marketing opportunities (social media, email, etc.) by email through the designated media contact within the BCI Society. Similarly, the NPP must provide a media point of contact for the BCI Society.
  7. Programming at BCI Society events
    1. On a space-available basis, the BCI Society will provide meeting space and/or booth space for the NPP at events organized by the BCI Society, as long as that space does not incur any additional cost to the BCI Society.
    2. If NPP’s wish to include additional components within an event organized by the BCI Society that incur additional costs beyond the scope of the BCI Society’s contract with the facility, these costs must be borne by the NPP. These may include but are not limited to: space rental, audiovisual services, food & beverage, and speaker fees or honoraria, and project management.
    3. Requests for meeting or booth space within an event organized by the BCI Society by an NPP must be received in writing by the Executive Board (see section 4) at least 3 months before the meeting.
  8. Joint event organization

    a. In addition to the above activities, BCI Society and NPP may partner in the organization of events. Requirements for these events are:

    i. Both parties will create a section on their web pages dedicated to the event.

    ii.The BCI Society and/or NPP may be involved in different financial aspects of the event, which shall be detailed prior to approval.

    iii. The NPP must mention that this activity is partnered with the BCI Society on their event website and/or other publicly available event materials.

    iv. The event must be co-organized with the BCI Society.

    v. The organizer must provide a discount to BCI Society members at the event.

  9. Requests for financial support or other financial benefits for the NPP Society or its members, must be reviewed by the Executive Board of the BCI Society.
  10. Partnerships are established for one year at a time, with an option for renewal in 1-year increments, upon approval by the BCI Society Executive Board.

Events Listing

9th Graz BCI Conference

September 9-12, 2024


Submission deadline February 29, 2024
Notification 1, April 24, 2024
Revision deadline May 6, 2024
Final Accept/Reject May 27, 2024

All accepted papers will receive a DOI and will be published OPEN ACCES
